Executive Master in Management of International Organizations
SDA Bocconi
🕔 Part-time
🎓 Blended
9 months
▶ Apply by July
Humanitarian Action and Peacebuilding
Oxford Brookes University
United Kingdom
🕔 Part-time
🎓 Online
30 months
▶ Apply by January
Conflict Analysis and Resolution
George Mason
United States
🕔 Full-time, Part-time
🎓 On-Campus
18 months
▶ Apply by January
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution
Columbia University
United States
🕔 Full-time, Part-time
🎓 Blended
18 months
▶ Apply by May
Peacebuilding and Mediation
University of St. Andrews
United Kingdom
🕔 Full-time
🎓 On-Campus
12 months
▶ Apply by April
Reconciliation and Peacebuilding
The University of Winchester
United Kingdom
🕔 Full-time
🎓 Online
24 months
▶ Apply by May
Sustainable Peacebuilding
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
United States
🕔 Full-time, Part-time
🎓 On-Campus, Blended, Online
24 months
▶ Apply by October, November, December