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Top 9 Conflict Resolution Courses You Can Study Online

Conflict resolution is a process for resolving disagreements or disputes. It can be used to resolve conflicts between individuals, groups, or organizations. There are various methods of conflict resolution, including mediation, arbitration, and negotiation. On this page we have compiled top courses on conflict resolution. You can audit the courses for free or opt-in for a paid certificate.

Conflict Resolution Skills

Conflict Resolution Skills is a free online course offered by the University of California, Irvine, in the United States. The class seeks to teach students how to use active listening to deal with conflict and employ proven communication methods to resolve disputes. Lasting for three weeks, the course is taught through a series of modules that includes video lectures, readings and assignments. The three modules are: Active Listening Skills; Communication Problems and Skills; and Usable Plan. At the end of the class, students view a wrap-up video and are asked to complete a survey to evaluate their experience in the course.

Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster

Humanitarian Response to Conflict and Disaster is a free online course offered by Harvard University, a prestigious Ivy League institution in the United States. This class gives students the opportunity to explore the ethical and professional principles that serve as a framework for humanitarian responses to armed conflicts and natural disasters. To illustrate key points, the class uses real-world case studies from Goma (Zaire), Somalia, the Balkans, Afghanistan and Pakistan. The class is self-paced but is best completed over a five-week period with students spending roughly 3 to 4 hours on the coursework during each week.

Conflict Transformation

Conflict Transformation is a free online course offered by Emory University in the United States. The class can be beneficial for anyone who wants to learn how to transform professional and personal conflicts into opportunities to build relationships. In addition, the class reviews conflict management and conflict prevention strategies. During each week of the five-week class, students complete one module that includes lectures and demonstrations. Assignments are given each week to deepen students’ understanding of the course material. The five modules included in the syllabus are: Conflict As an Opportunity?; Know Thyself: How Do You Respond to Conflict and Why Do You Respond That Way?; What in the World Is Going On? Analyzing Conflict; Doing Well in the Middle; and No Easy Road: The Ongoing Work on Conflict Transformation.

Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution

Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution is a free online course offered by the University of California, Irvine, in the United States. The class gives students the opportunity to explore how cultural differences complicate conflict resolution and teaches strategies and techniques that can be used to overcome these challenges. Each week of the three-week class brings a different online video module and supplemental assignments for students to complete. The modules include Dimensions of Intercultural Interactions and Conflict; Analyze the Dynamics of Intercultural Interactions; and Strategies for Success in Intercultural Interactions. When the course is finished, students are invited to view a wrap-up video and to complete a class evaluation survey.

Mediation and Conflict Resolution

Mediation and Conflict Resolution is a free online course offered by ESSEC Business School, an international educational institution based in France, Singapore and Morocco. The course can be beneficial for anyone who is required to mediate conflicts or work with a mediator as a part of their work. During the five-week class, students will learn what mediation is and why it is used. Then, the class discusses different types of mediation and shines light on the challenges and difficulties that mediators must overcome. Students will then be taught strategies for effective mediation.

Requirements Specifications: Goals and Conflict Analysis

Requirements Specifications: Goals and Conflict Analysis is a free online course offered by the University of Colorado System in the United States. This course is a part of a series on Requirements Specifications offered by the university but can also be taken on its own. Students should expect to devote two to five hours of study time to the class during each week of the four-week course. The class consists of four video modules: Goal Creation; Use, Misuse and Abuse Cases; Group Sessions for Elicitation, Analysis and Negotiation; and Finding Conflicts and Risks.

Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution – Capstone Project

Negotiation, Mediation, and Conflict Resolution – Capstone Project is a free online course offered by ESSEC Business School. This class is intended to be taken at the end of a series of three classes offered by the school: Negotiation Fundamentals, Cross-cultural Negotiations, and Mediation & Conflict Resolution. Although students can enroll in the class on its own, the information covered in these other courses will be highly beneficial to completing this four-week capstone. During the class, students will have a chance to complete three exercises that allow them to gain experience negotiating and developing negotiation strategies.

Types of Conflict

Types of Conflict is a free online course offered by the University of California, Irvine, in the United States. This class is ideal for anyone who is interested in learning how to identify, resolve and reduce conflict in their personal or professional lives. Lasting for five weeks, the class is taught through online video modules that include lectures and demonstrations. A quiz is given each week to help students evaluate their mastery of the course material. The topics of the modules are: Different Types of Conflict; Positive Aspects of Conflict; and Positive Ways of Dealing with Conflict.

Conflict Management Project

Conflict Management Project is an online course offered by the University of California, Irvine, in the United States. This class is intended to be taken after three classes in conflict resolution offered by the university: Types of Conflict, Conflict Resolution, and Intercultural Communication and Conflict Resolution. During this course, students will have a chance to apply the techniques and strategies learned in the previous classes. Over a five-week period, students will complete their own conflict resolution case study. There is a fee to enroll in the course. Those who successfully complete it along with the three other classes will receive a specialization certificate from the university.