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UN Entry Level Programs

The United Nations offers a variety of entry-level programs for those interested in working in the organization. These programs provide an opportunity to learn about the UN, gain valuable work experience, and build professional networks.

United Nations Secretariat  

The United Nations Office of the Secretariat hires Junior Professional Officers to perform a variety of duties within the office. To qualify for a position, applicants must hail from one of the current donor countries.

Young Professionals Program

The Young Professionals Program offered through the United Nations Office of the Secretariat allows individuals to obtain entry-level positions working in the United Nations. The program is open to individuals who are from countries that are considered unrepresented or under represented at the UN. Each year, the Office of the Secretariat publishes a list of participating countries. Qualified applicants must also have an undergraduate degree from an accredited university, be under 32 years of age and be fluent in French or English. It is also necessary to pass a qualifying examination.

United Nations Development Program  

Junior Professional Officer

Junior Professional Officers at the United Nations Development Program work in field offices performing a variety of duties under the supervision of senior staff members. To qualify for the program, you must be from a qualifying country. Applicants must hold master’s degrees and have at least 2 years of work experience in a field related to the mission of the United Nations Development Program. Fluency in English, French or Spanish is also required.

Food and Agriculture Organisation 

Junior Professional Officer

The Junior Professional Officer at the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is a pathway to a career in civil service for individuals who meet a pre-established set of criteria. To qualify for a position through the program, applicants must be 32 years of age or younger and hold a master’s or doctoral degree. Two years of related work experience is required as well as fluency in English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese and Russian. Applicants must also not be closely related to anyone who works for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Junior Professional Officers receive a 2-year contract, which may be renewed up to two times.

Associate Professional Officer

The Associate Professional Officers Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations is designed to allow young professionals who show promise to begin careers in public service. Those accepted to the program receive mentoring and on-the-job training and development assistance while gaining valuable career experience. Only applicants from participating countries will be considered for the program.

International Atomic and Energy Agency

Junior Professional Officer

The International Atomic and Energy Agency officers a Junior Professional Officer Program to help individuals who would be an asset to the work of the agency enter careers in civil service. To qualify for a position with the program, applicants must be under 32 years of age. Qualified applicants will have a master’s or doctoral degree in engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, hydrology, agriculture, nutrition, medicine, computer science, information sciences, accounting, finance, human resource management, law, library science or communications.

International Fund for Agricultural Development  

Junior Professional Officer

The International Fund for Agricultural Development offers entry-level employment positions through their Junior Professional Officer Programme. To be considered for the program, applicants must be from one of the program’s sponsor countries. Applicants must be less than 32 years old and hold at least a bachelor’s degree in a field related to the work of the International Fund for Agricultural Development. Contracts are typically for 1 to 2 years and may be renewed for those with satisfactory job performance.

International Finance Corporation

Investment Analyst Program 

International Finance Corporation offers an Investment Analyst Program to help individuals with relevant training and experience receive work experience in finance on the international level. Those who participate in the program work in Washington, D.C., or in a regional office of the International Finance Cooperation in Asia or Africa. The positions are for 2 to 4 years. To be considered, applicants must hold a bachelor’s degree and have at least 3 years of experience working in a financial institution or in finance. Fluency in English is required. Candidates who also speak Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish are preferred.

Young Professionals Program

The International Finance Corporation offers the Young Professionals Program to recruit highly skilled, promising young people for employment. Young Professionals receive mentoring and education while gaining work experience in Washington, D.C., and in regional offices. Associate Investment Officers in the program must have 3 to 6 years of investment banking, project finance, private equity, corporate finance or financial consulting experience, while Investment Officers in the program must have 5 to 8 years of work experience in one of the aforementioned fields. Recent receipt of a Master of Business Administration degree is also required.

International Labor Organisation 

Junior Professional Officer

The International Labor Organization hires talented young professionals for entry-level work placement positions through their Junior Professional Officer Program. To be considered for a position through the program, applicants must be from one of the organization’s donor countries. Applicants must also have a master’s degree and some established working experience. Individuals who receive a position in the program generally are given 1 to 2 year contracts with positions at one of the organization’s more than 40 global offices.

International Monetary Fund

Economist Program

The International Monetary Fund offers its Economist Program to recruit young economists interested in working in international finance. To be considered for a position through the program, candidates must have received a doctoral degree in economics within a year of their dates of application and have established coursework experience in macroeconomics and one of the issues of interest to the fund, such as international economics, monetary economics, public finance, econometrics, labor economics, poverty issues, and political economy. In addition, applicants must be residents of one of the 186 countries that are members of the fund and be under 34 years of age.

United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organisation 

Junior Professional Officer

The United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organisation offers the Junior Professional Officer program for individuals who have recently graduated from college and for young professionals who wish to begin working in civil service. Participants receive contracts for 2 to 3 years to work at the headquarters of the United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organisation or in a regional office. To be considered for a position, individuals must be under than 32 years of age and have at least a bachelor’s degree in education, culture, science, social and human sciences or communications. Fluency in English or French and being a resident of a donor country is also required.

Young Professionals Program

The United Nations Economic, Social and Cultural Organisation offers the Young Professionals Program to allow individuals from non United Nations member states and under-represented member states to gain entry-level employment in civil service. Every year, the UN publishes a list of qualifying countries. Applicants must be no more than 32 years of age and hold a graduate-level degree in management, education, culture, science, social and human sciences or communication. Fluency in English or French is required. Individuals who have previous work experience and who are also fluent in Spanish, Russian, Arabic or Chinese will have an advantage.

United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees 

Entry-level Humanitarian Program

The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees offers the Junior Professional Officer Program for individuals interested in working in civil service at the United Nation’s refugee agency. To be considered for a position, individuals must be between 25 and 35 years of age and have a bachelor or master’s degree in a field that relates to the specific opening for which they are applying. Those with a master’s degree must also have 2 years of relevant work experience. Individuals with a bachelor’s degree must have 4 years of related work experience. Fluency in English is required. Applicants who are also fluent in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish are preferred. Candidates must also be from one of the countries that donate to the agency.

United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

Junior Professional Officer

The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund offers the Junior Professional Officers program for young people who are interested in working in a nonprofit. Initially, individuals in the program receive 1 to 2 year contracts with the chance for renewal. About half of all participants advance to other positions with the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund. Most applicants accepted are between 28 and 35 years of age and have advanced university degrees. To be considered for a position, individuals must be from one of the fund’s donor countries.

World Bank Group 

Young Professionals Program

The World Bank offers the Young Professionals Program to recruit recent graduates for entry level positions. To be considered for a position with the program, individuals must complete an essay on a topic established by the selection committee. Applicants must also be citizens of one of the member countries of the world bank and be uner 32 years of age. A doctorate or master’s degree in economics, finance, education, public health, social sciences, engineering, urban planning, agriculture, natural resources or a related field and at least 3 years of work experience in a position related to development are also required. Candiates must also be fluent in English.

Analyst program

The World Bank offers the World Bank Group Analyst Program to recruit young professionals to work as financial analysts. Individuals who are accepted to the program spend 3 years receiving on-the-job training and completing educational experience. At the end of the program, participants can advance to careers within the World Bank or work elsewhere. To be considered for the program, applicants must be citizens of one of the World Bank’s member countries and be 28 years of age or younger. A master’s or bachelor’s degree in a field related to finance or development and 1 to 3 years of work experience are also required.

World Food Program

Junior Professional Officer

The World Food Program offers the Junior Professional Officer Program to allow young professionals the opportunity to gain work experience in civil service. Candidates must be less than 32 to 35 years of age, depending on what country they are from. A master’s degree in a relevant field and 3 to 4 years of professional work experience are also required. Applicants must also be fluent in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian or Spanish.