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Top 10 Organizations Offering Peacebuilding Jobs

There are many organizations working in the field of peacebuilding, and the number of jobs available in this area is growing. Here are some of the most popular organizations offering peacebuilding jobs:

UN Peacekeeping

The UN Peacekeeping organization is well-known for their peacekeepers stationed in countries of conflict, but they do much more than just being a presence in times of war. In addition to their peacekeeping forces, which work to protect civilians and promote cooperation among conflicting groups, they also take measures to prevent future conflicts and to build rule of law, human security, and human rights in countries around the world as part of efforts to promote future peace. In addition to the police and military opportunities, the UN Peacekeeping sector also offers civilian jobs, such as program and political affairs officers. Many of the civilian jobs work to help in post-conflict situations with public information/communications, rule of law building, resource management, and more.

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