In recent years, global health has become an increasingly popular field of study. A number of universities now offer courses in global health, many of which are interdisciplinary in nature. Global health courses typically cover a wide range of topics, including epidemiology, public health policy, international health regulations, and disease control. In addition, students often have the opportunity to study specific diseases or conditions within the context of global health. We have compiled a list of top Global Health courses from leading universities below. If you are interested in master’s degrees instead, have a look at these programs.
The Challenges of Global Health is a free online public health course offered by Duke University in the United States. This five-week class provides an introduction to global health and is ideal for students about to embark on undergraduate or graduate study and for those with a general interest in the field. Students will need to devote roughly five to seven hours of study time per week to watching videos and completing supplement assignments.